

This content is targeted to the ones that have already accepted Jesus into their lives and ready to live according to Word of God.

I would like to express my own experiences and testimonies of what God has done in my life ever since I chose to lay down my life and follow Him.

I’m dedicated to deliver my content to help others enjoy this path I’m on and grow closer to God on a daily basis.

So please take the time to read and ask God to open your heart, mind, and soul and experience the fulfillment of the road less traveled.

Heaven on Earth

What if heaven on earth is the real destination

I would like to propose a question

With everything going on in today’s world I see a lot of buzz about the rapture and how everything is leading up to the tribulations

I’m aware of spiritual people saying were ascending into a 5d world but I just wonder if God is doing something new and bring heaven down just like what Jesus told us to pray for

I believe either way we should start to seek God in every area of our life where the only diffrence is Him not being in our physical presence

He asked us to live by faith and not by sight so what if at this point of time He is pouring down His spirit to have us live a more empowering life through Him

We live in a community that has a lot to offer I’m not saying we should conform to this world but in everything thank God and know all things work for good to those who love Him

I would like for you to take a little time and read my testamonies and teachings

I kept them short and to the point to make it easier to read

I’m not saying you will agree with everything but ask the holy spirit to minister to you throughout your reading

I Pray you will be blessed and encouraged to seek after God and allow Him to bring a new life full of peace, love, and Joy into your life

Living life after the Cross

what to expect after laying your life at the Jesus’s feet

Jesus came to this world to re-establish our relationship with God.

He was the sacrifice needed that closed the gap between us and Him.

Everyone has sinned, so no one could have been sacrificed to justify God’s Design.

With this free gift of salvation comes great benefits and favor.

I believe Gods plan was to reconcile his followers to Him and though Him all things can be done.

God provides everything we need as soon as we accept Jesus in our heart and truly repent of our sins. It’s not an over night deal. It takes time to heal from past sins and become a new creation.

God’s Grace and Mercy is sufficient for you through this development time.

We been so mislead with false teachings that needs to be corrected and one of the ways to do this is though reading God’s word and mediating on it throughout the day.

This is renewing your mind and those old beliefs you’ve had will start surfacing and correct themselves.

The most important thing we have to go by is our own personal beliefs.

Some hold us back from experiencing this life of ease and a closer walk with God.

I believe God want us to experience Heaven on earth and the way to do that is walk in accordance to His Will and be obedient to His Word.

Living a fulfilling life

God created us to thrive

Life becomes enjoyable when you invite Jesus in your life.

You become more like Him and it’s a great life.

We should desire a life that is full of peace, joy, and abundance and it is possible through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I enjoy the way I spend my day. Free of worries and doubts. Being in a constant state of peace.

I encourage everyone to lay down their worries and fears and truly submit to the Lord.

For once in my life I feel complete and that I’m not looking for anything to fulfill me.

To experience this I stayed dedicated to my beliefs and searched out the kingdom and I believe I found it.

I’m not claiming I’m at my full potential yet, but I’ve come to be content with where I am. I’ve experienced favor, blessings, and miracles in my life and they’ve become more frequent.

I feel as if I’ve been made whole and anything else God wants to add to me is just an added bonus.

I’m so blessed and I want to give God all the glory for it.

I now expect good things to happen and look forward to the day.

I would like to help people experience what I’m experiencing and bring God more glory to His name.

Ask and you shall receive

We all have our own desires and if they match up with the will of the Father He will give them freely to you.

God knows us better than we know ourselves and He knows what we’ll ask before we do.

Because He’s a good Father, He offers provision, protection, and our daily needs. He also gives us the desires of our heart as well.

He know us better than we know ourselves, so He know how and with what to bless us with that our joy be full.

When we take on this world and become overcomers then our desires matches God’s and we can ask for anything and He will give us what we’ve asked for.

I’ve come to a place in my life that I let go of what I think will make me happy and stay in s a constant state of being content that I don’t ask for nothing but wisdom.

I leave the extra God wants to put in my life up to Him and enjoy my life of ease.

God wants us to become so in Love with Him that we don’t look to Him as our own person genie but to look at Him as our Heavenly Father trusting Him in every situation that comes our way.

Jesus has come to set an example of how we should live and how to be dependent on God for He is the way we get our strength.

There comes a time in our lives when God can trust us with more and He gives to us all His blessing and favor.

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