Living in the spirit people living in the past

New life looked on from my past

I want to start out by saying I was diagnosed with a mental illness when I was seventeen years old I’m forty now and still have to defend my faith

I believe in my heart it all was a spiritual battle that the Holy Spirit has been walking me through

Only in the past two years have I really started walking in the Spirit

And as we know our ways is not God’s ways and it’s hard for people who are new creations to not walk and talk differently

My story is a little more complicated than most

Since I’ve had several issues in the past my family looks at me like I’m crazy all the time

However I don’t act out or do any reckless behavior now as I once did while struggling with balancing my relationship with God and home life

I’ve come to learn it’s easier to be an observer of the things happened around me and not get so emotionally involved when being questioned about my actions like I’m being looked at under a microscope

But I noticed on social media that their are like minded people out there and it gives me comfort knowing I’m not alone

We are supposed to allow Christ to live through us and He said there will be persecutions for His name sake

I’m very confident in what the Lord is doing in my life and I’m totally convinced He has brought me through my trails and tribulations

I have been set free and now I’m resting in God’s grace

So I know a little bit about being the black sheep and I don’t blame them for not seeing what God has done in my life when all they are looking at is my past

But I want to encourage you Don’t choose acceptance of others over your relationship with God I’m telling you the benefits are far more rewarding when you deny yourself and live according to His will