The battle of Overcoming Lust

How God’s grace and mercy delivered me from lust

For over two-thirds of my life I’ve struggled with lust.

I was saved and God had a lot of mercy on me when it comes to this area.

I knew it was wrong and I stayed convicted of it all the time.

It was an addiction I’ve never been able to completely lay down for good.

Every time I fell into this temptation I felt guilty and couldn’t come to God to ask for forgiveness because I felt so ashamed.

Until one night I was laying in bed and I cried out to God and made a covenant with him that if I feel into this sin again I’d not asked for forgiveness and accept my fate to Hell becoming my eternal destination and I confessed I chose Him instead.

The first week I noticed a change and every time the temptation arose I reminded myself I wanted God instead of that sin in my life.

God is so good because every since I gave myself to him completely and burned every bridge of being able to come back to Him through repentance, my relationship has become stronger than ever and I couldn’t have done it without Jesus.

It’s been almost two years from this writing since the last time I committed this sin and now it doesn’t even bother me at all now.

I’m not saying this was the right way but it changed the way I looked at repenting and that decision has altered my way of living and I’m so grateful I’ve overcome that in my life and you can too.

Please contact me if you need delivered from this.

I’d love the opportunity to tell you what you have to look forward to with this out of your life.

I put a prayer together for this issue please take time to pray with me